Journal Entry: March 1... Caveman Diet.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 3:28am
I have decided I will begin the Caveman diet. Why? The "Nutrition Commission" or FDA is trying to imprison someone for blogging about it. Aparently it cured this guy of diabetes after a few months. So they want to have him charged with practicing nutrition without a liscense. Ok. These B.S. agencies that exist to protect the interests of groups that make money off their influence are becoming FASCIST. I am calling out the government and it's phony baloney riceroni gibroni. I bet they are making an example of him to protect McDonalds or Genetically Altered Foods Companies that serve the purpose of New World Order FASCISTS who want to breed dependance and complacency, kill off people with their own unhealthy habits, and pull the entire population into the slavery they are promoting with heavy-handed subliminal advertising messages. Just like the Environmental Protection Agency which they want you to believe protects the environment from things like oil spills. But it really exists to make you think someone is watchdogging BigOilCorporations... while accepting big multi-million dollar buyout BRIBES to look the other way from the constant flow of oil leakage in off-shore rigging due to drilling operations and faulty equipment. For whatever reason it's cheaper, or draws less negative public attention to do that then it does to have the equipment replaced and have to explain why. That's right, you wannabe fascist dictator oligarchs. I know about that. So i'm calling the bluff. Tomorrow I begin the Caveman Diet. Fruit and nuts all day and a feast in the evening. Hopefully it won't interfere with the gym. Who knows, maybe it will cure my diabetes. It's more likely to than eating the junk they want me to. They want me DEAD! Their goal is to reduce the Earth's population to 500,000,000 in a few years. Any way they can get us killed or let us die is acceptable. Does that explain a few things about poverty, disease, pharmiceuticals, and pointless wars? Wish me luck.
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