Moving on, there is more about the 9/11. This is an article about the court case of April Gallop, an eyewitness of the Pentagon bombing. Here is an article about how the justice system is attempting to screw her over. She says that there was no plane crash, and the U.S. government is responsible for her injuries, and those of her infant. Now, she is in Army Intelligence, so it's not like she is ignorant of these things. The following is a few segments of the March 31 Coast to Coast AM program, featuring John Lear. Among other things, such as the civilization on the moon, he is talking matter-of-factly about how the airplane crashes of September 11 were faked (and YES, since it's out there, and other people are starting to say it, Osama Bin Laden was already done when Seal Team 6 "killed" him last year. He has been dead for years and years. Lear says '01 was the year he died, which is very likely. I heard that it was a few years after that from a CIA operative back in 2009. I knew this back THEN because someone in the CIA told me. So I was not fooled, and I let all my friends know it was a hoax when they pretended to kill the guy last year. It was such a bogus story too. How could that fool anyone?). I think we can, or really SHOULD get past the whole "9/11 was a terrorist attack, an event provoked by hatred of freedom and our way of life" rhetoric. It's a mainstream illusion. The simply not the way it is. It was a highly sophisticated action planned and executed by our government, designed on the Hegelian Dialectic, and followed up by "quick and decisive action" by the Federal Executive Branch, to begin a war that served a few elitist interests... To begin a ten+ years war before a legitimate investigation could be done to establish exactly what happened objectively, without preconceived notions. They do this alot, as long as they can do whatever they want, whatever the people know about the truth, or THINK they know, doesn't matter. They just deny it, and control the information the best they can. 9/11 was blamed on a man who was a CIA asset, and denied involvement days later. That would be Bin Laden. On 11/9 of the same year, his testimony was faked by the government, to make it seem like he was claiming responsibility. Hopefully, more on that later. Research on that is still in process. But here is the John Lear interview:
Here is a documentary about the military/industrial/congressional complex called The Shock Doctrine.
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