What in the World is happening to the World?

I have been putting the pieces together for years now, it seems.  And it's all led me here.  I may be wrong about this or that, and I'm probably right about some things it's even hard for ME to believe.  For Example, UFO technology may have been developed by Nazi scientists first.  I hope to write an article on that entire can of worms later; it was my original intention to do that tonight, but I found this video first and watched the entire 2 1/2 hours of it.  With everything from great delight to great horror, I watched it all unfold.  I commend the creator of this video for the elegant twining of history into an unraveling of the cords of occult conspiracy in our world today, and the great quality of work and attention to detail he put into it.  I say my reaction was delight and horror, because I was delighted to see that someone else had drawn so many of the same conclusions as me, seen the same evidence and told the same story.  Also he gave even MORE insight into the history and mechanics of this thing than I have the knowledge to do, and there were elements presented that I was previously unaware of.  But horror struck me at the immensity of the powers against us, the power of the evil massing against the people of Earth.  It does NOT mention UFOs or anything like that, but I am realizing as I uncover things, that it's all true, and so many of the terrible things I am beginning to be aware of outside of this are probably true as well.  And they DO play a part in all of this.  But the focus tonight is a giant plot for power.

I present the NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophesy

I would like to clarify (since this is a bit of a religious video, although not overpoweringly so), my own beliefs.  I want to do this not only for the reader's sake, but for my own.  I need to know where I stand.  Because there is where I must stand.

I told my friend, when she asked where God is in all this, that I feel like Hitler used "God" to kill almost as many Jews as Bush and the American power complex used "God" to kill Americans.  I don't want to use God.  Rather, I will not justify my actions, I will let them speak for themselves, and hope that God uses me.  I believe in the words of Jesus; in fact my hope pretty much rests on them.  To say he was the Son of God is too simple for me.  But he was.  And if I can believe the Bible at all, it's going to be his words I trust, not the dogma-spewing, circle-talking, weasel pharisee, false-prophet poster boy for the anti-christ church.  I will not choose or follow a religion, whether that is the right thing or the wrong thing to do, I cannot say.  I just won't do it, because I think they're all wrong, they're all corrupt.  They have a lot of truth, then let that truth be tainted by hatred and pride, or simply rotten with the thread of lies interwoven in the truth.  The best place to hide a lie is between two truths.  I.e. "Don't add to the Words of God.  The Bible is the only, pure, truly inspired Word of God.  Don't take away from the Words of God."  I don't know how you think this God person is... but I have a pretty high view of him (even though I sometimes say that we were created in a lab by aliens), because I think if he has a body, it is the Universe, and if he has a mind, it's Life, and if he has a past, it's us, and if he has a future, it's what we will be, and if he has a name... it is not "Dog" backwards.  It is great and unspeakable.  He is beyond understanding, and if he has a mouth, and speaks words, they are not all in one book.  And he is not hurt by sin, and not afraid of it, or bound by one way of speaking.  He is not a man, that we can attribute our own insanity and fear of the unknown to him, for nothing that we will encounter is unknown to him.
...So I do not believe in Bible-worship.  But the Law is in it.  And the Law was the ultimate best we can do by ourselves and God, I guess.  I don't live up to it, and neither do any of you.  Jesus said if you look at a woman wrong, you committed adultery.  If you fly off at your brother, or anyone, you are in your heart, a murderer.  So don't beat yourself up for failing in the eyes of the law.  Jesus didn't hold it against us.  He was more concerned with us doing GOOD.  Because the MORE GOOD you do, the LESS EVIL you do.  It's simple mathematics.  more good=less evil.  So repenting is not something you say, or a change of heart.  It is really just living today a little better than you lived yesterday.  Talk is great, but action is better.
I don't hate other religions, rather I look to them for the truth they contain.  The good seeds they sow. If a tree is known by it's fruit, then that is the only way it can be judged.  Not by it's bark, or it's shape, or where it is growing, or how old it is, or whether it makes good shade...
It has been impressed on me several times recently, that one of the greatest sins we can commit, is to fear evil.  This is very true.  I am kind of rebuking myself for being afraid of the NWO, and the power of secret societies.  As I said of the Lord, he is far above our fears.  An ultimate source of strength and power.  Not their kind of planned power.  Rule by material or force.  He does not NEED us to act a certain way, nor does he feel the need to "do something quick" to contain the puny whims of those we see as powerful.  I do believe in heaven and hell, in a way, sort of like Dante's Inferno, but also different.  Heaven is not a shiny city where everyone can live a perfect life, or sit on their asses or something.  It is a greater adventure, leading to even greater ones.  More chances at higher states of being.  Hell is not just a pit where you just fall in and that's it for eternity.  I don't see it like that.  It is a greater challenge, a more hopeless life, leading to even more and more hopeless ones.  Less happiness and more suffering.  Until you reach the bottom of "hell," I do not believe your eternal adventure has ended.  Just like you have not fully become pure and happy in "heaven" until you reach the Highest.

But I digress.  We must not be afraid.  We will make the decisions we will make, and we must try to make the best ones we can, and do right.  Good and bad will happen, and they are subjective terms.  But wrong and right are objective, and they are our decisions.  We must live in faith, I think, and not fear the enemy.  As a friend pointed out to me, fighting evil cannot be done with more evil, for then the evil just continues.  It is never a decisive blow.  It is always done out of fear.  War, stealing, murder, lies... all motivated by fear.  And fear of evil will make us fight back with more evil, which will make us an agent of evil, and therefore, evil will control the battle.  If we fight with good, however, we take control of the situation.  Like when Jesus said, "If you are forced to walk a mile with someone, walk a second with him on your own will.  If he demands your cloak, give him also your tunic."  You have taken control of this battle.  Now, you were not robbed.  Instead, you saw a man who needed clothing, so you gave freely.  You were not enslaved, you offered your services willingly.  It hurts our pride.  If you have ever watched the movie Revolver, you will know that "Sam Gould" is the enemy that hides where you would be least likely to look for him... Nobody sees Gould, but he sees everything.  You cannot fight him on his own terms.  You have to humiliate him.  It's a long story, just watch the movie Revolver.
Fear is what gives evil the power it needs to take our freedom, remove from us the truth.  As you will find out by studying the Hegelian Dialectic.
Another Hegelian Dialectic Article
How the Hegelian Dialectic is leveraged on the American Public.
This is the power structure's biggest use of fear to accomplish their political aims.
As I said, I disagree with the maker of the above video in a few areas.  I don't completely discredit some Gnostic truths.  I believe what has since been dismissed as Gnosticism was just the early Church being free... "Gnostic Christianity" if you will.  I may be wrong, but some of their more important scriptures I feel are as true as the Bible's Gospels, and just as important.  Maybe Christian Anarchy is the best form of religion, if you read The Kingdom of God is Within You, by Leo Tolstoy (this link is the Wiki article on the book).  It seems to be based on what Jesus said.  "If they tell you the Kingdom of God is in the ocean, don't believe them, or the fish will precede you.  If they tell you the Kingdom of God is in the sky, don't listen, or the birds will get there first.  Rather, the Kingdom is within you.  And around you."  I would also venture to say, if they say it is in a book, don't believe them, or it's all just words, and they will read it first... and they might not let you.
I just love freedom and I don't want fear to take it away from me.  Or anybody else.  And fear will do that to you, if you let it.

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