9/11 WTC Collapse Was Not Caused By Airplane Crash or Fire

Engineers call for a re-investigation of the WTC collapse.

From the research that I and my Consultant have been doing in regards to the collapse of the three World Trade Center attacks, we have come to some very shocking and disturbing conclusions.  These are not absolutely definitive conclusions, I don't have a melted, twisted, steel girder piece with the truth engraved on it.  But I submit that you examine the evidence that I, your humble blogmaster, will present to you, and you will see convincing evidence that there was an elaborate contrivance that led to the destruction which occurred on 9/11, 2001, and that there is a serious conscription of willful deception involved.
This is the PDF file of the 9/11 Commission Report
Friends, I'm not withholding anything from you.  I didn't believe that the towers were brought down by bombs until today.  But I knew there was more to the story than what we were told.  Was I right!!  The Commission report apparently does not acknowledge the presence of the internal structural beams (instead, the lie is that there was a hollow shaft in the center), which are what were demolished, causing the internal explosive shearing, and, as seen in the videos, the center sank first.  You can see the antennae on top sinking just before the collapse.  There were explosives, or firebombs of thermite placed around these central beams a week or two before the crash.  Ladies and gentlemen, it gets worse.

Here is a website presenting the information above.

Before I continue, hopefully your appetite is wet, so let me give you one of the best videos I have seen on this subject.  It is a really good and revealing video.  In twenty minutes it says more than this blog plus itself squared combined.

Also this full length video talks about the explosions from engineering
perspectives, and the truth that we have not been told..

Ok, so what else do we know about this?  Besides that there were shape-charges lining the internal frame of the two towers that were wrecked by planes?  Let's see.  I found out that there was molten material in the level 7 basement, which is unexplained.  Also, comparable skyscrapers in Madrid burned for over 18 hours without falling at over 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit, so extreme heat from jet propellant and warped, melted steel was not the culprit.  Think of felling a tree.  A logger will cut a wedge out of the side that the tree is meant to fall towards, and then when the stability is broken, it collapses to that side.  That would be the way the felling of towers 1 and 2 would happen.  Not straight down.  Even considering the warping of super-heated steel on the corner opposite the impact, there would be so much less structure on the crash side, that it would collapse to the side.

This is an article about the Windsor Building in Madrid, Spain, and it's day-long burn.

As I said before, It gets worse.  If you watched the first embedded video above, towards the very end, there are quotes from Osama Bin-Laden.  Also THIS ARTICLE presents a serious denial from Bin-Laden, stating adamantly, a little over two weeks after the fall of the WTC buildings, that he had NOTHING to do with the 9/11 attacks.  He says he is not into killing innocent people like the United States is.  It's just not his style, apparently.  Believe it or not, over a month later, on November 9 (11/9) that statement was reversed in a "Bin Laden video," which claims responsibility explicitly.  Only problem is, there is some debate over whether or not the man in the video is actually Osama.  The man that claims the attack does not look like him in several ways, and does not share certain anatomical characteristics, such as having the same ears as the REAL Osama Bin-Laden.
Did you notice the numerology involved here?  9/11 is the reverse of 11/9, and they have certain meanings in the numerology of the Illuminati.  If you have seen some of my other blogs, you may already know that the Illuminati likes to use certain numbers, like 11, 22, and 33.  7s and 9s and numbers that add up to any of these numbers are also common.  Also, when the Illuminati assassinates someone, they always do it in threes.  This is very important.  When they take someone or SOMETHING down, it's in sets of three.  This is in order to keep the public eye from being distracted by the intended target.  The main sacrificial death will seem more normal, will make less of a public splash.
Did you know that there was three World Trade Center buildings that collapsed that day?  Nobody really mentions that much.  WTC building 7 came down as well.  It was not hit by a jet.  It was not significantly hit by debris (and if it had been, it wouldn't matter, since other surrounding buildings were severely struck by debris, and remained).  Yet it burned and collapsed inexplicably.  In the video you can see the flashes of shape charges going off inside on many floors.  The name "Building 7" is significant numerology as well.  7 is a VERY significant number in Illuminati numerology.  I hope you have an umbrella, because I'm about to drop knowledge.  And it may flood...

Building 7 was absolutely the target.  The other two collapsed in order to keep you from noticing the main attraction.  You don't believe me?  Look at what was contained in tower 7.
here's floors 7-25, just to name a few.


25Inland Revenue Service (IRS)
25Department of Defense (DOD)
25Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
24Inland Revenue Service (IRS)
23Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
22Federal Home Loan Bank of New York
21First State Management Group
19-21ITT Hartford Insurance Group
19National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
18Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
13Provident Financial Management
11-13Securities and Exchange Commission
9-10US Secret Service
7-8American Express Bank International

That is lots of cover-up.  Here is information on Tower One and Tower Two.
I feel like a lot of people died just for the purpose of destroying that tower number 7.  You don't have to believe me, I suppose, Reader.  But honestly, the evidence is there.  The truth is under our faces, and we are made ignorant of it.  If you put the pieces together, what do you get?

Bin Laden denied having a hand in it, and was falsely accused on a SPECIFIC date 11/9, probably by the CIA.
The buildings were loaded with some type of explosives for several weeks before the attacks, deliberately set up to be detonated and dropped.
The complexity of the whole operation.
The campaign of disinformation brought forth by government agencies and people working for them.
The Northwoods document has statements of intent to do eerily similar deeds, such as fly civilian aircraft or make strikes on our nation's own people in order to justify war with Cuba in the 60's.
The elitist involvement of Illuminati and occult influences in world events.
The Federal government's need to increase power and control of it's subjects, and the desires of those in power to become more wealthy and powerful.
The goal of war.
The purpose of a One World Government and New World Order--an old system of oligarchy and dictatorial overrule of centralized government.
The U.S. Government, maybe even the military and Secret Service were involved in and ultimately responsible for, the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks, the cover-up of the truth about it, and the conspiracy against the American people, and the people of the Earth.

Finally, here are some videos to watch concerning the World Trade Center attacks,
and how they have effected our world and this nation.

This video is a very good one, and fairly short.

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