One of the strangest blog entries you will ever find.

This is interesting... what is that?  What are those?  Those pictures of saucer-shaped objects and creatures with oblong shaped eyes, depicted in these artifacts?

A video about the Annunaki

More about human DNA and the scientific development of human genetics.

One would have to be rather ignorant or in denial to deny that Jesus Christ the person existed, and that is a historically accepted fact.  It is a historic fact, as well, that he died, and it is widely accepted that that death was caused by crucifixion.  The big question is "Did he rise from the dead?"

If you watch this, you must be prepared to endure the wordy, expensive speech of the clergy.  Bart Ehrman does not play those games, thank God.  Maybe that's why he always comes out sounding more intelligent.  He just explains his points in an easily understood manner, rather than pussy-footing around with defining terms, making disclaimers, and using big words to sound like he's smart.

In this debate, Ehrman spanks Evans in a debate about the Biblical portrait of Jesus.

This is a press conference with high ranking retired USAF officers talking about UFOs they have encountered in official capacity.  Very interesting.

Some UFO proof.

Obama's Birth Certificate



It's funny to me that so many people like to fake videos of UFOs and aliens and stuff like this, just so they can say "Hey, your UFOs are fake, crop circles are fake, what you believe in is fake, because I can make a fake photoshop video of the same thing that looks real!  You guys are dumb!"  In reality, the fakes come out after the real thing to mimic it, and there is no reason for real believers to fake something in order to make other people believe.  The only people who do that is the government.  If you watch the videos about how the birth certificate is made, you will realize that it was altered in a very sloppy fashion by someone who either didn't know how to or didn't care to make it look real.  The fact of the matter is, the people who run the government, and do this stuff... ALL of them, from politicians to scientists, to computer techs, to doctors... are NOT above average intelligent people.  They are average at best.  The government agencies they work for do not select them for their outstanding intellects or skill at their trade, but rather for their ability and willingness to take orders and keep their mouth shut.  These people are average, unquestioning pawns.  Tell them what to do, what conclusions to draw, what to tell the press, and give them the right number of zeros on their paycheck, and they will not question it.  Then use the power of Federal suggestion, and all their mistakes go away, because no matter how shoddy their work, when the government denies everything, the only people that believe anything are weirdos and out-of-control, paranoid conspiracy theorists (in the now newly created public consciousness).
It is an insult to my intelligence.
Worse yet, I don't like his unimaginative taste in suits.

This is the link to the President's released birth certificate at  Notice in the press release he is wearing a "power tie," not his usual status quo blue or red tie.  I for one find this interesting.  And he is talking to me like i'm a pre-schooler.

X-Files Vs. Men in Black

NASA ufo and near-uv footage





A few UFO videos



Pharmacy Failure: Christianity Embraces the Death of Christ

Pharmacy Failure: Christianity Embraces the Death of Christ

Website with questions regarding Church and Scripture

The ESV Bible Online

Christianity Embraces the Death of Christ

Lets delve into religion a bit, my friends.
I was raised Christian, so this is where I focus most of my analysis.  None of this is meant to offend people, but to expose the yeast of the Pharisees.  Therefore, those who are offended by it will most likely be the ones who NEED their symbolism and man-made dogma to stand undisturbed, because it is the power they need to control your minds.

The thing about Jesus is he was a sage.  Whether you believe he was born of a virgin and was God-on-earth, or he was just this guy, or you believe something in between, as I do: He may have been a human being with an extraordinary purpose, who fulfilled his purpose, and ascended to Godhood, thus taking over the entire nature of divinity as we don't really understand it.  Either way, he made it clear that the way to the Father (our own ascension and eventual Godhood) is by following your path (the way), believing, seeking, and proclaiming truth (the truth), and living life, loving life, respecting life, and giving and promoting life (the life)... all of which he embodied.  Also, he was clear that we were the same as him... he was the "firstborn of many brethren," and so we are "Gods and Sons of God."  Therefore, he expected us to do "greater things than these," and so he essentially is holding us to the same standards as he held himself.  Which would be complete compliance with our calling and purpose, and utter faith and trust in God the Father, as well as worshiping nothing false, making no image of God to worship, and worshiping only God the Father.
Whether you are Christian or not, the teachings of Christ apply to all true faiths, excluding no philosophy of truth.  He was a Jew himself, and never said Judaism was obsolete.  Therefore, why did we make a new religion?  Could we really not believe or follow his message without it?  The way I understand Jesus, if he was alive today, he would never adhere to what is now Christianity.

How is it that a man can come that speaks the truth that he did, lives the life that he did, and what we do is ignore the EXAMPLE of his actions, twist his words and their MEANING, subvert the worship of God, and make a religion that worships that man?

Don't take it the wrong way, I'm just calling out Christianity and calling BS on religion.

Sorry buddy.
Anyways.  So Jesus meant to lead by example.  But Christians fancy themselves humble by calling themselves weak.  I prefer to be humble by fancying myself strong in faith and the truth and example of the Sage.  That is the only way to live a righteous life, I think.  Here's an example.  Christians worship the cross.  I know, I know... you're going to say "We most certainly do NOT worship it, we only worship Christ and his sacrifice and resurrection in the glory of Christ Jesus our Lord the Son of God made flesh in the Grace of God, and so we build massive temples, in Christ, and decorate them with the cross he was hung on by his grace."  ...Or whatever.  At least Catholics have that crucifix thing that shows his actual suffering and depicts it in your FACE, in all it's torture.  It also hearkens to the serpent on the staff that Moses made.  A graphical representation of our corruption lifted up and hung on a tree in a sacrifice of faith.  Hmmm... makes more sense, doesn't it, than an image of the device of Jesus' mode of execution?  I think it was Jesus who warned against the "brood of vipers, whitewashed tombs..." who clean the outside of the cup and leave the inside filthy.
Here's where it gets interesting.  There is a symbol called the cross of St. Peter.

The story goes that when the Romans martyred the Apostle Peter, he requested to be crucified upside down (Crucifixion was a favorite of the Romans), since he did not see himself as worthy of the same death as his brother Jesus, since he was not dying for the sins of humanity.  It is interesting to note that this symbol is adopted by atheists because it is the cross upside-down.  That seems a bit simple-minded, because the symbol itself is an image of humility to God and towards Jesus Christ.  Which is more Christian than the upright cross displayed in the Church, a "holy place," which is an "object of desolation that causes desecration."  In short, it's a blasphemy.  St. Peter's Cross is more "Christian."

So atheists use a symbol that stands for something they mean it to defy.  Whatever.
In reality, true early Christians would have NEVER used the upright cross as a symbol for their faith (as Peter clearly demonstrated).  That's why they had the symbol of the fish.

I think the fish reminded them of the good times they had with Jesus.  Him cooking them fish, feeding thousands of people with two or three small fish, helping them catch fish in their nets... He was just a fishy guy, you know?  He made them fishers of men, after all.  One of them found some money in a fish's mouth because of Jesus.  It seemed to be the obvious pick for a symbol that they would use to identify themselves as followers of Jesus.  The story goes like this:
In the early days of the Jesus movement, the Christians were so persecuted, that they literally had to go underground.  Christianity was not yet a religion.  Just a true way of life.  Hated by powerful men of wickedness and lawlessness.
So they would use the fish when they met someone who they thought could be a brother, as a secret password, or identification method.  One would draw the curve for the top half of the fish, and if the other person understood this gesture, they would complete the fish with the bottom curve.  Pretty clever.  Also, meaningful.
The fish was also an acronym.  IXOYE (Greek letters Iota, Chi, Theta, Upsilon, Sigma) is the Greek word ichthus, which means "fish."  The letter I is the first letter of the Greek Iousous, meaning "Jesus."  X is the first letter of Christos, Greek for "Christ."  O is the first letter of Theos, which means "God."  Y is the first letter of the Greek word Huios, or "Son."  E is for Soter, meaning "Savior."  IXOYE is an acronym for "Jesus Christ, God, Son, Savior."  Beautiful.

Now what makes a cross more awesome than that?
It's a simple question of which is more important to you, Jesus death, or his life?  Or how about his resurrection?  Well, you can't have one without the other, and neither is significant without the other two.  The key is that the LIFE of Jesus was leadership by example.  He said that "even greater things than these will you do."  So it's not a matter of us being too "human" to be able to rise from the dead, or heal the sick, or bring people back to life, but rather that we don't have enough faith to do it.  Or courage.  No balls, basically.  SOME people actually followed his example for real.

[50] And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.
[51] And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. [52] The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, [53] and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many. [54] When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!”
(Matthew 27:50-54 ESV)

And they had been dead a mite longer, too.  So don't tell me that I'm not a god or a son of God.  I'm pretty sure that if Christians really believed Jesus and actually did like he did and did what he said, and weren't subversive to his message... if Christianity was not a system of control for people's minds, a drug of propaganda and an anesthetic of the soul; if people would believe the truth, follow the way, and live life... They would be more badass, and they would not be fooled by these symbols of death.  They would not wear or worship a cross, as if to say "I approve of this execution, and if I could, I would hang him up there all over again myself!"
Jesus didn't ask us to worship him.  Or the "Holy Spirit."  His example was to worship God the Father only.  To worship him instead, or anything else, is blasphemy to the Lord.



To: Readers
From: Hazel the Newt

Subject:  What the hell am I talking about?

Hey, does anyone notice how this blog is supposed to be about free speech and people arguing about different beliefs and stuff... according to the blog description?
Anybody notice how I don't even really talk about that stuff very much, but just about UFOs and paranormal stuff, and whatever I feel like talking about and whatever I'm interested in?
Just for the record, that's basically the essence of free speech, and I will talk about whatever I want, and eventually it will be politics or religion, I'm sure.  I just don't care so much about that stuff right now.
Maybe we would have more of those type of discussions if some of my READERS would become WRITERS, and maybe leave a comment or two, or at least leave a vote or post this blog to facebook... or subscribe, or just visit the blog and read it.  Is ANYONE out there reading this?
There's alot of resources on here, not just the random stuff that I say.
So get with the program and start shopping around the Pharmacy, you have an open prescription to any of the "meds" you want.


UFO anti-gravity energy.

From what I can decipher, UFOs as we know them, especially, this would be, the ones of extra-terrestrial origin, operate in a heightened state of energy.  We believe, from what we can tell, that they operate separately from the force of gravity.  "Anti-gravity" is what it's called.  The crafts themselves are not susceptible to any outside gravitational attractive force.  This is how extreme G-forces can be withstood by the craft itself, as well as the occupants.  It seems like science fiction, but it appears to be the case, and they seem to travel at extreme speeds, and disappear and reappear at will.  How could this be possible?

What I'm learning, is that objects can be levitated by bombarding them with energy from a Tesla coil, and high frequency radio waves and Van de Graaff electrical waves, as discussed in this video.  The essence of this effect is, it will raise the resonant frequency of the very atomic energy of the object's mass, placing the matter into a higher state of energy.  Like water vapor has a higher energy state than liquid water.  The matter becomes lighter, and then floats entirely.  also, there is a counter-gravity achieved by forcing two magnets of like charges together, and inducting them into a non-conducting material... Or a conducting material?  To be honest, I don't really understand that one yet.  But, I can begin to get an inkling how these unique spacecraft fly.

Apparently, these spacecraft have an internal electromagnet-type Tesla coil, or rather two with opposing magnetic fields, one inside the other, with all this high-frequency induction coming from an internal source, with a concave cylindrical outer surface, which directs, or lenses, the energy, which is most likely converted into radio wave emissions, toward a ring of infinite conversion points on the outer rim of the spacecraft, which account for their thin, saucer-like shape, since that allows them to have some sort of magnetic collection apparatus in the outer ring which can collect and recycle the energy, or make it into a circuit...  Long story short, the apparatus can change the energy state of the UFO, raising it to a state which is impervious to gravity, such high energy that weight is negligible, density and mass are no longer part of the coefficient, and it takes very little energy to propel, or "transpel," as I like to call it, due to the manner in which they move--they are not "propelled" by a push, or a chemical or other force, but transpose themselves from one position to another, changing directions abruptly and effortlessly.  It is my feeling that in their excited state of energy, with all of it concentrated in a flow from the center to the rim, creating a type of internal magnetic field which can be manipulated, they could project a vortex or vacuum in the matrix of space, like the pressure differential used to create lift on the wing of a plane:  Less air pressure on the top side than the underside.  The UFO, on the other hand, would possibly concentrate high powered energy at the direction of movement, causing a wormhole, or energy suction effect in the fabric of space, pulling the craft into a magnetic vacuum, in the fabric of space, as it were.  Most of the energy used by the UFO would be used to energize the material of the UFO, and very little energy expenditure is actually used for movement.  Also, it begs the question, within what kind of reality do you have to exist, when you hyper-stimulate the energy of your matter?  It is speculated that, though we live in a reality of 3-4 dimensions that we are aware of, and truly a perception of only two dimensions, there may be closer to a dozen or even 20 or 21 dimensions hanging around everywhere.  So what could be "trans-dimensional beings," would probably live with perception of more dimensions than we do, or entirely different ones than we do.  What would that be like, to spend time in a dimensional reality where your perception does not match their surroundings?  I don't know.  The point is that they may not necessarily be what they appear to be, or from the same physical universe we are in.

This is basically the way all the UFO's functions work.  They raise their energy level above the resonant frequency of visible light, into the ultraviolet range, which is why some UFO footage is only seen in UV, and invisible otherwise.  The extreme energy stimulation could cause an inter-dimensional shift, and disappear to our perception.  It would also possibly allow the ship to achieve faster-than-light speeds as well.  There are many views of this phenomenon and the apparent energy shifts in these vehicles in This video of NASA footage.

This is a full documentary of David Sereda's UFO studies and explanations.

This video is Sereda's more complete technology brief. Look around 28 minutes for the beginning of his explanation of the concave tesla coil core.

This is really all I can say for now about anti-gravity and "transpulsion."  There is plenty more for us to learn.  Obviously, I am basing most of my technical data regarding this on the research and vast knowledge of Boyd Bushman and David Sereda.  I have only recently discovered David's work, thanks again to MUFON for introducing it to me.  But in a short time, I've absorbed a whole lot of knowledge from him.  He pretty much just drops six pound bags of eight pound knowledge like it's cool on a constant basis.  It sounds like regular conversation, as though he's telling you what he saw on television last night, but it turns out it's astro-physics.  Anyways, I post these links to these videos for your benefit, so you can get the information from the true masters that come up with this actual knowledge.  If I am any kind of master, it is a puzzle master.  I feel that for the first time in our known history, the pieces are all emerging, enough for us to put together the greater puzzle.  That would be the question "what is really going on?"  With UFO's, the government, it's cover-ups, crop formations, extra-terrestrials and all their different races, abductions... all the usual paranormal suspects.  What does it all mean?  Which ETs can we trust?  Which are just clones?  Are they just bodies for extra-dimensional spirits to inhabit?  Or just drones, even biological robots serving a more powerful, more sinister race?  Which ones are benevolent, and what do they do?  Are they the ones that are leaving us crop circles?  Blueprints for intergalactic technology?
Hopefully you enjoy the great search for knowledge as much as I do.  Good hunting.

To: Scientific Believers and Investigators
From: Mainframe Moderator, Pharmacy Headquarters

Subject: Learn the most scientific knowledge about UFOs

Google or YouTube anything by David Sereda.  There is no doubt, he is one of the most gifted and inspired astrophysicist of our generation.  He has replicated alien technology, and designed reproduction UFO anti-gravity vehicles from the blueprint designs in crop formations.  This guy is a genius, and will make you realize that ufology is not a pseudoscience or a far-out new-age religious cult for freaks and paranormal fanatics.  It's based on graspable science and simple physical principles.
Check out his stuff.  He's got alot on the web.

End Memo

Nocturnal Newt

As you can probably tell by the entry times on my posts, I tend to love the night.  I also love a good IPA and writing what's on my mind.  I think I mentioned in a previous entry that I am pursuing investigative journalism in the UFO and paranormal field.  Sure, it's all going to begin as a volunteer effort, but in life, I am attempting to do what I love, and what excites me and gives me happiness... Not just what makes me money.  That's what we have jobs for.  I have submitted my membership application to MUFON, and I'm eagerly awaiting my first E-Journal.  Also, I ordered the Investigator Field Guide.  Maybe one day I will be known for my passion.
Here's a note about the Pharmacy blog:  there are secret links on this website.  You will notice I post new pictures now and then, at random places on my page.  I suggest you study them very closely.  What they contain may take you somewhere you have never been.

The Internet has become such an awesome resource.  It's true, you can't believe or trust everything you find online, but look at the amount of things you can find.  It is incredible.  Almost everything imaginable is on the web somewhere.  From the renaissance of ARPANET to the World Wide Web of Tim Berners-Lee in Switzerland, and the intense advance of technology accelerating into the 1980's, through the 90's, and continuing today... the history of the internet is a blinding blur of fast moving politics and commercial interest, and fast thinking tech geniuses (we call them nerds for short), and it has propelled our lives into a full-on onslaught of information and digital communication.  I remember when phones had just recently been given buttons.  They lost the cords, then went cellular.  They were in a briefcase, or a car.  Then they were big handsets that would double as clubs in case civilization crashed and we went back to being cavemen.  Then they got smaller and smaller, till they fit in the palm of your hand, and even fold up.  Then they got more buttons, more functions, better signals, and more power, and then they got bigger again.  So we have Androids and Iphones.  They even made the Iphone bigger and turned it into an Ipad.  So computers have come full circle to phones, and phones have come full circle back to computers.  In reality, now, they are all one and the same.  It is confusing, and a little frightening when you have watched at least a major portion of all of this unfold.  That's why my generation has sci fi like "The Matrix" and "Terminator" where machines or computers or both actually master their creators.  It is symbolic, and true in it's own right, and in its own way.  Business as we know it, life as we know it today is reliant on the success and function of the machines that drive it, and the electronic systems, networks, programs, applications, and connections that link it all together.  We, as a race, now trade in information.  Real work is the least lucrative endeavor out there; the least noticed, and least attempted.  It's an information age.  From your computer, indeed, from your android phone, you can check your messages, send information world-wide in the form of documents, programs, files, pictures, videos, etc., invest in stocks, shift money in your bank accounts, start a new business, buy dinner, and buy a hundred other things, and still have enough battery power to watch an episode of Dilbert on Netflix, while you are finishing your delivery cuisine.  But you all know this.  You may be reading this on your Ipad right now, or wondering why your 4G service is so spotty today.  If that is the worst thing that you have to deal with today, you should be glad.  Because all this is making SOMEONE very rich.  And it's not EVERYONE... sometimes we must remember the people that work the hardest out there, and struggle the most.  Not everyone is meant for this high-speed information highway of an existence.  Some people are left behind.  Even though we Americans are all super educated, right?  And we're all super-hot rich movie-stars from California with our own companies and stuff, and we're all really environmentally and culturally aware, right?... Still, around 25,000 kids die every day on Earth.  We have billionaires with assets greater than the income of entire impoverished nations.  And they are not concerned about those that are hungry.  I sincerely believe they think that those people don't deserve to live, that those "below" their level are here to serve them, to be their slaves... WHICH WE ARE.  We work for their corporations and companies, trading our lives for a few dollars an hour, and all our work and labor is a drop in the ocean of their empire.  Every gallon of gas burned, every barrel of oil pumped, every frivolous import that increases every expenditure, makes these people more wealthy, and strengthens their empire.  Just like war does.  But let me put war in perspective for you.  For the price of one missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch every day for 5 years.

I didn't really intend to go here with this entry, but I am glad I did.  Like I said, maybe one day, I will be known for something good I will have done, for something I am passionate about.  That, after all, is the dream, isn't it?

One of David Sereda's lectures

Watch "David Sereda -- full 1 hour 14 minutes" on YouTube

Talk about a genius.  Rivetting.  I think he solved the world energy crisis in the first 5 minutes.  Too bad we got rid of NASA.

My UFO Experience.

I did have an experience with some type of UFO not too long ago.  Near the end of last year, around November/December time-frame.  I was on Ammunition Rd., driving from Fallbrook to Mainside Camp Pendleton.  This road is the kind where you are not allowed to stop, or use cell phones, or smoke, or anything... you can't do anything on this road but drive through, I don't think you are even allowed to look around.  Well, on this particular night, I WAS looking around, and I looked to my right accross the field, out to the horizon.  There are hills in the distance, you see, and towards the right there are the lights of Camp P in the distance.  There are also a few towers, with the little red lights on them.  But that night, I saw two lights that were not either of those.  As I gazed at these lights, two fairly large white/yellow orbs, which seemed to be suspended directly over the horizon, one slightly to the side and above the other, but both a good 50-75 feet above the level of the towers, and to the left of the lights of the camp, I tried to decipher what they were.  Aircraft is common on camp... helicopters and jets.  But the twinkling lights on these are not this big, and not this yellowish.  Also, there was no accommodating green starboard and red port lights.  Just the white-yellow lights suspended, not moving as I crept by on the distant road in the middle of nowhere.  About this time, an oncoming car appeared around a slight curve.  I had to take my attention off the lights, and focus on the road for a moment, til the car passed.  Then I instantly looked back to the horizon, where the lights had been.  My eyes had shifted to the road for not more than 5 seconds, but when I looked back to my right... the lights were gone.  No trace.  I didn't see them moving away, nor twinkle out... they were simply gone.  To this day, I am baffled by it.  I'm not saying they were alien spacecraft, nor government UFO technology, I just don't know.  Did they cloak while I looked away?  Zip into space?  What were they?  They were unidentified.  Flying objects of the unidentified type... UFOs.

What I saw at the MUFON meeting.

The Mutual UFO Network meeting was very interesting.  The other people there were mostly a good bit older than me.  There was a 92 year old man there, and an 82 year old man,  I was undoubtedly the youngest; most were over 40 I would say.  But these believers are ladies and gentlemen that I would say know far more about the unexplained than I do.  Many have been studying ufology for over a decade, if not since the 1950s or -60s.  We watched a lecture about crop circles in Wales... VERY enlightening.  I had heard something similar, possibly some of the same stories, on Coast to Coast with George Noory, not too long ago.  Back in November maybe.  The man speaking was Colin Andrews.  He spoke about Operation White Crow.  I found the website for some of his research at  I'm sure there is more to as well, I just haven't looked into it extensively.
Also There was a man talking about third kind encounters, or UFO sightings.  He was from the IUFOC (International UFO Congress).  Those were rivetting stories about real people and their experiences of dramatic UFO appearances, which were researched by some of these organizations, many times years after the fact.  The reason for this is that most of these people were unwilling to speak about their experiences due to fear of ridicule, or oaths or contracts of secrecy.  Also, there was a lecture/demonstration by a visionary scientist/inventor/physicist named David Sereda.  I didn't get to see all of his lecture due to time constraints.  However, I intend to see more from him.  Maybe he's on YouTube.
At any rate, the MUFON meeting was not necissarily what I expected, but it didn't disappoint me either.  I felt pretty comfortable with the people there, since we shared much in common, though we were from different walks of life.  I am considering membership (which is fairly cheap, and comes with a publication and some other things), and more importantly, I am considering working toward becoming a MUFON investigator.  That seems very interesting, for an aspiring journalist.

We The People Disclosure Petition

Presidents and UFOs Articles (Obama, Bush, Clinton)

The Rockefeller Initiative

MUFON meeting San Diego

I found out today that MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), is actually real.  I saw their sticker on the X-Files, in the episode where a number of abductee women recognize Agent Scully from the test facility where they all were held when they were abducted.  It's a great episode, but that's neither here nor there. The point is there really is a MUFON.  They investigate UFO sightings and the like, and research abductins and extra-terrestrial activity.  It's the United States leading UFO investigative organization.

So I looked into it a little, and as I was perusing their websites, I noticed a San Diego chapter.  True, I noted, the websites are a little simple and outdated, and I almost thought that they might not be tended anymore, since there were old entries from a decade ago or more on some of the MUFON sites, but the San Diego chapter website made mention of a monthly meeting in San Diego on the third Sunday of each month.  Intrigued, I looked at the calander.  What's this?  TOMORROW is the third Sunday of March.  Well, well, I thought, since I just HAPPEN to be in the San Diego area this weekend, I think I may slide down to the meeting tomorrow.  It's at 5 PM.  It helps that there is a certain lovely lady living in S.D. that I am pretty anxious to see again, so I am going to try to make a double-date out of it.

I am very interested to find out what it is MUFON does, how they operate, and maybe talk to some seasoned UFO chasers.  Who knows what could come of this.  The San Diego MUFON website is actually in my Links block, if anyone wants to check it out and maybe find their way to one of their meetings as well.  I encourage it.  They take place at the Sizzler Restaurant in San Diego.  Those of you who are NOT a resident of California or the San Diego area, the main MUFON website is also included in my Links.  They have a USA map in the "find a chapter" section that could help you locate a MUFON chapter near you.  I encourage my readers to look into and be aware and educated about UFOs and government cover-ups and other such things which may be labeled "paranormal" by the mainstream media, thanks to vested interests.  These things are not really paranormal, they are just outside of our understanding.

For example, UFOs do not use the same propulsion or flight systems that our "ordinary" craft do.  We use chemical propulsion.  These UFOs are more likely propelled through a magnetic field projector.  From what I can tell, some of them use a large central electromagnet of some sort... in the case of government-manufactured models, at least, they may use a mercury "coil," which would project intense light and a magnetic field that can warp surrounding space.  I would guess that space can be displaced in the direction of travel, like a vacuum that would suck the craft into it, and cause it to appear to move, but in away, space is moved around it.  This could account somewhat for the intense speeds of travel that are observed as UFOs zip out of sight.  Along the same lines, an aray of three gyroscopes, and maybe one big central one could explain how they hover and change their axial position without effort.  I think that some of these crafts have an direct neural interface, where the pilot's mind is transposed into the computer system, effectively expanding the pilot's perception from a body to the entire spacecraft, so that moving forward or backward or up and down is simple motor-skills, like walking or jumping.  Especially the circular discs, I think.  I don't know exactly how the "Aurora" triangular ones manufactured by the government.  Those are probably the ones that are spotted most, because the ones made by extra-terrestrials can travel unseen, come out of nowhere, and disappear before you can see them.  I doubt we have a firm grasp on that technology yet.

Well, that is just some of my educated guesses.  Yes, I have researched this a good amount, but I don't have any solid proof, or empirical evidence, nor a full understanding of everything involved and all the research, documentation, and evidence that the government posesses is either destroyed or withheld. (as is often the case in these situations, hence the cliche of "government cover-up")  It seems to me, however, all the evidence of abductions and UFO sightings would be enough to get a ruling beyond a shadow of a doubt in any courtroom.  This brings me to the Freedom of Information Act and government secrecy.  President Barack Obama made a statement a while ago that the U.S. Government denies all knowledge of UFOs and ETs and any contact with them by anyone, ever; indeed he denied the existence of off-world life entirely.  This is actually a lie, though, and we know this because Project Blue Book leaked years ago, and also the little known Rockefeller Initiative of 1993-96, and dozens of other little crumbs of evidence.  I'll provide those links in a subsequent entry, as well as the link to the Disclosure Petition for Obama to begin an investigation into the Rockefeller Initiative and publicize all UFO/ET phenomena documents to the public.  This "We the People" site is a tool for people to make petitions to the administration that they have promised (and is required by the First Ammendment of the Constitution) to act accordingly and issue an official response.  The Obama administration has been caught in yet another lie, and I have been hoping and praying that enough people will sign this petition by March 24 that we can see if the administration will follow through with it's due dilligence and duty to the people.  So if anyone is reading this, please take five minutes to follow the link below and put your info on the petition.

First Contact

This blog will be your truth serum.  An oasis of reason in a wasteland of ignorance.  No punches pulled, no shit bulled.  This is where I speak my mind, and probably get in trouble with the government.  My free speech.  My free press.  And to anyone who comments, an equal right and responsibility to the truth and what you believe.
This is where we say what we really think.

Major Donald Keyhoe, USMC, on UFOs.

Major Keyhoe interview, 1958

The Obama Deception

The Obama Deception HQ, Full Version