One of the strangest blog entries you will ever find.

This is interesting... what is that?  What are those?  Those pictures of saucer-shaped objects and creatures with oblong shaped eyes, depicted in these artifacts?

A video about the Annunaki

More about human DNA and the scientific development of human genetics.

One would have to be rather ignorant or in denial to deny that Jesus Christ the person existed, and that is a historically accepted fact.  It is a historic fact, as well, that he died, and it is widely accepted that that death was caused by crucifixion.  The big question is "Did he rise from the dead?"

If you watch this, you must be prepared to endure the wordy, expensive speech of the clergy.  Bart Ehrman does not play those games, thank God.  Maybe that's why he always comes out sounding more intelligent.  He just explains his points in an easily understood manner, rather than pussy-footing around with defining terms, making disclaimers, and using big words to sound like he's smart.

In this debate, Ehrman spanks Evans in a debate about the Biblical portrait of Jesus.

This is a press conference with high ranking retired USAF officers talking about UFOs they have encountered in official capacity.  Very interesting.

Some UFO proof.

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