What I saw at the MUFON meeting.

The Mutual UFO Network meeting was very interesting.  The other people there were mostly a good bit older than me.  There was a 92 year old man there, and an 82 year old man,  I was undoubtedly the youngest; most were over 40 I would say.  But these believers are ladies and gentlemen that I would say know far more about the unexplained than I do.  Many have been studying ufology for over a decade, if not since the 1950s or -60s.  We watched a lecture about crop circles in Wales... VERY enlightening.  I had heard something similar, possibly some of the same stories, on Coast to Coast with George Noory, not too long ago.  Back in November maybe.  The man speaking was Colin Andrews.  He spoke about Operation White Crow.  I found the website for some of his research at www.cropcircleresearch.com/articles/whitecrow.html.  I'm sure there is more to cropcircleresearch.com as well, I just haven't looked into it extensively.
Also There was a man talking about third kind encounters, or UFO sightings.  He was from the IUFOC (International UFO Congress).  Those were rivetting stories about real people and their experiences of dramatic UFO appearances, which were researched by some of these organizations, many times years after the fact.  The reason for this is that most of these people were unwilling to speak about their experiences due to fear of ridicule, or oaths or contracts of secrecy.  Also, there was a lecture/demonstration by a visionary scientist/inventor/physicist named David Sereda.  I didn't get to see all of his lecture due to time constraints.  However, I intend to see more from him.  Maybe he's on YouTube.
At any rate, the MUFON meeting was not necissarily what I expected, but it didn't disappoint me either.  I felt pretty comfortable with the people there, since we shared much in common, though we were from different walks of life.  I am considering membership (which is fairly cheap, and comes with a publication and some other things), and more importantly, I am considering working toward becoming a MUFON investigator.  That seems very interesting, for an aspiring journalist.

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